How to Enhance the Uniqueness of Your Location with MyLoc ID

One must change with the times. People these days use smartphones for just about everything. One such use is to find the location of a person using apps like Maps. Another way is to maintain a contact book. The former is better. The latter is of little use when you want some service provider or seller to find your address quickly. However, Google Maps has its quirks whereas MyLoc is a better alternative for you to share your location on a map with ease. Simply create MyLoc PIN by logging on to the MyLoc website. 

It is fast, it is easy, it is free 
Whereas some location services may have a lengthy process and may not permit the creation of more than one ID for one location, MyLoc is different in several ways. 
  • It is free for as long as the website runs. You do not have to worry about monthly or annual subscriptions. 
  • You can create your unique location by creating MyLoc PIN in just a few minutes since the entire process is online. 
  • More important is that you can create two unique location PINs. 

The last item is important in making your location unique. 

One personal, one business or general 

These days you share your location online with many people. One category comprises of your friends and relatives whom you know on a personal basis. You may also make new friends or have colleagues you invite over to your place. In such case, you can create a unique personal PIN on MyLoc. Share this only with your group of personal friends and relatives. 

Then you share your location with a variety of other unknown people. This group comprises of service providers like couriers, plumbers, electricians and so on. You may place an order for online food delivery. You may operate a home-based business and want the location with your business ID. In all these cases you can easily create a second unique PIN. A second PIN with your business ID may create a better impression and it is one you can even use for search engine promotions. 

MyLoc is your best bet 

MyLoc is free and will stay that way. You can create MyLoc PIN with two different names and do it online in just a few minutes. This app works on top of Google Maps that is considered to be one of the best mapping and location services but you have more benefits when you use MyLoc in that you can receive directions for the PIN address even if it does not show on Maps. 

Try MyLoc and share your location. You will be surprised at how easy it is to register online and then when you share your location your guests or business visitors will thank you for it. One of the greatest headaches for visitors is the amount of time it takes to search for and find an address. With you help them find you with ease and enhance your impression. 


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